Mobile: 402-770-7115
The Estate of Judith Dionne James
6361 Camellia Court
Lincoln, Nebraska 68516-1029
We are working on building a complete database of Judith's work. If you are the owner of one of her textile constructions, you can help. E-mail us with the following information:
Title of the work
Date of completion (if indicated in the work's labeling)
Size (both framed and unframed)
A photo of the work taken in daylight
Where purchased and when (identify agent if any)
Your name
Your address
Current whereabouts of the work if different from above
Current condition of the work
If you own one of the works shown in this site, and the descriptive details of the actual work do not match those alongside the photographic image of the work, kindly notify us of any discrepancy (e.g., title, unframed size, framed size, etc.)
(Personal identifying information will not be used in this website but will be restricted solely to the estate's database for documentary purposes only.)